A Man Spends All Day on the Sofa Criticizing His Wife About the Cluttered House Until Their Mute Son Steps In

A lazy husband lies on the living room couch all day long and berates his wife for the mess in their home. Then, one day, while he’s ranting at his wife again, their 14-year-old son steps in. That day ushers in a slew of changes in the household.

After police officer Zach Ownes suffered a leg injury, he was forced to take sick leave, and his wife, Lydia, had to step in as the family’s breadwinner. She worked long hours as a nurse, often working night shifts and up to 18 hours a day, but Zach never bothered to assist her and instead complained about knee pain and spent the entire day resting on the couch.

But Zach wasn’t always like that. Initially, he used to help Lydia with household chores and make dinner when she came from work. But recently, he had various excuses for why he couldn’t help Lydia around the house, the most notable of which was that he was “injured.”

Lydia was tired of such a stressful way of life, and she got annoyed when Zach didn’t even make an effort to help her. But like every other wife, she kept mum because she didn’t want her family to tear apart. But one day, things became too much for her to bear, and she yelled back at Zach.

“Lydia! Come here right now!” Zach yelled at her from the living room while she was busy helping their son Adam with his school project. That day Lydia returned early from work to help Adam, and instead of preparing dinner and cleaning the dirty dishes, she decided to sort out Adam’s project first. Zach and his friends were busy watching a soccer game and drinking beer.

“I can’t come now, Zach. I’m helping Adam! If it is something important, text me!” she replied.

Zach didn’t say anything in return, and Lydia found it odd as he would usually keep yelling at her. Lydia reasoned it wasn’t something important and decided to ask Zach about it later. But soon after, he barged into Adam’s room and began yelling at the top of his voice.

“Text you? Do you think I am your servant? Have you seen how messy the kitchen is? Who’s going to clean it?”

“Excuse me?” Lydia shot back. “Can’t you see I’m busy with something? And by the way, the mess was made by you and your friends. So own up to it and stop yelling at me. Also, I’m guessing your friends have already left, Zach. So how about you help me once for a change? You can see I’m busy with Adam’s school project.”

“Wow!” Zach glared at her. “Where did you get the guts to yell at me, Lydia? Is someone at work inciting you against me? Are you going there and crying wolf about how awful I am as a husband?”

“STOP IT, ZACH!” Lydia sprang to her feet. “Don’t forget our son is watching us! Tell me one thing, what’s your problem? I work for freakin’ 18 hours a day, then come home and take care of the house. But it’s never enough for you! If I make a meat pie, you want pasta. If I freakin’ cook the pasta, you’ll demand the meat pie! I am helping our son, Zach! He has an upcoming competition at school. At least shut up for his sake. I beg you! You are making the environment toxic for all of us!”

“Stop making me look like the bad guy in this situation, Lydia. You can’t do anything right! You go about things half-heartedly, which is why—” Before Zach could finish his sentence, Adam got up from his bed and stormed out of the room. Zach began mocking Lydia again, ridiculing her for being a terrible wife.

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